Thursday, December 30, 2010


Christmas Eve we went to Grammie and Grampie Shepard's house with Grampie's side of the family and who should stop by but Santa! We were very talkative and even sat next to him, though we still didn't want him to touch us- he couldn't even get a handshake.  We ran outside to see his sleigh take off but missed it...

Christmas Day Norah was up at 6 am excited to go downstairs. Oakley slept until 8:00 and missed all the excitement.  We saved a few for him to open though.  After we opened our presents we headed to Grammie and Grampie Shepard's for more presents and to visit with Aunt Elsie and Aunt Carol and Uncle Wayne.  Oakley again slept through most of the opening of gifts in Grammie's arms, but when he did wake he just wanted to eat the presents.  Norah got legos and then wanted to stop and play with them and a pink sleeping bag for camping this summer!


We had our first snow day a few weeks ago!  Norah and I had a great time building a snowman and snow caterpillar.  Norah ate some snow and went down her slide which was really fast with snow on it.  We also got our christmas tree and watched a tree burn at Lincolnville Beach.  It's been a fun winter already!

Aldemere Farm with Rachel

We went to Aldemere Farm to meet a baby belted galaway cow and make an ornament with our friend Rachel.  The calf was so cute and soft!   Then that night we had some dinner and snuggled on the couch with some refreshments too.. .(at least it looks that way!)